So, this week went from bad, to a bit better, to wayyyy worse, but now has e

nded very nicely. To recap, Sunday i was feeling the cabin fever of studio, missing home and friends and everyone. Luckily, Monday and Tuesday mornings landed our history class at the Vatican (i've posted pictures) and its pretty much the most amazing, most beautiful place i have ever seen... St Peter's is absolutely HUMONGOUS! Along the floor it compares the sizes of other famous basilicas, and St Patricks in NYC could fit inside it twice, with room to spare... and its just amazingly decorated and i could never describe just how beautiful it is if you've never been there yourself... so put it on your "life to do" list, go to the vatican, see St Peters, it might change your life. The next 2 nights resulted in little or no sleep but lots of scripting and diagramming for our review on thursday, which went ok but not great... we were one of the last groups to go and we got barely any time to present. But whatever... its over now... me and Brian dont have to work together anymore... which is fab. Yesterday was a day of relaxing and sleeping and loafing around and taking long show

ers... thats literally what everyone did... and last night instead of going out, we projected Gladiator on the wall of our apartment, which was an awesome movie to watch while in Rome, because hey, thats where the movie takes place! it was pretty good, i've never seen Gladiator before (gasp!) and i think between Cinderella Man and Gladiator, i am now totally in love with russel crowe... hes pretty awesome. Today was another day of relaxing and enjoying Rome... me and mike walked around in the drizzle for a few hours (it never really rains here) and then we had a big family dinner (andrew made lamb and joanne made apple pie... mmmmmmm) and then we had cake for rachele's bday! So all in all, it ended up being a great week... thank you everyone who's been reading and posting comments and posting on my facebook wall... i miss you all and it means so much to me that you miss me too!!!
Next week i'll be away on the hilltowns trip, so im not sure how much internet access i will have, but ill try to update during the week while im gone and of course i will update when i return.
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