Chronicles of my adventures in Roma and the surrounding areas

09 September 2007

genova is full of shit

so we left yesterday to begin our first field trip at 7am... after a few hours of napping on the bus, we arrived in Lucca, a small city in the region of Tuscany... it was really beautiful (pictures will be posted when i have my computer)... there was a church there that was absolutely amaxing, the stained glass lit it up in a way that words could not describe, and unfortunately pictures were prohibited... so if you ever get a chance togo to Lucca, im sure you will see this church and know exactly what i mean
after some more napping on the bus, we arrived in Genova, our real destination for the day... we began with a short orientation given to us by Giudetta, who works here as a professor and architect... then we went to the aquarium, which was awesome... we were like a bunch of little kids looking at all the fish, taking pictures of the pengiuns, really just relaxing and having fun... then we had a nice dinner which involved ridiculous amounts of beer (shared between 11 people of course) and then we wandered around to see what the night life here was all about... which apparently isnt much, even on a saturday night
today we continued our tour of genova, which is characterized mostly by churches with striated black and white facades and also with frescoed trompe l'oil (sp?) facades that look 3d but are definitely not (you will see this in pictures as well) as far as walking around geneva, its kindve a problem... you see, many people here have dogs, italy seems to be a very dog friendly place... however, dog owners are apparently not responsible for cleaning up after their pets, which means you have to constantly watch the ground toavoid stepping in poop, which would be very uncool
overall, genova is not so bad... theres a new plan in the works to really build up the harbor area, which is already far and away the nicest part of the city... it seems that this is not a very touristy place right now, because it is currently underdeveloped and in a state of rebuilding, and it almost seemed a bit dangerous (luckily we go everywhere in groups of 10 or more)... tonight we spend the night in genova again, and we leave tomorrow morning for Torino!

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