Chronicles of my adventures in Roma and the surrounding areas

26 August 2007

when in rome...

so i've been in rome for 2 days, and things are ok... we're all settling in and getting used to things... learning to speak a bit more italian... we have a welcome party tonight at Cinzia's and then tomorrow begins with our tour and then studio, or as much studio as we can have without a building to do it in... tomorrow we all have to give presentations of all the research we've been doing... or really not doing, and having a much more difficult time doing now that we dont have internet... thats right, no internet... im in some crazy internet cafe right now where its like 2,90€ for a half hour.... crazy i know... i should probably do some research while im here haha since i really need a bit more information than i have right now... but whatever, ill get to that in a minute...
yesterday i went on an adventure to see my research site, the Piazza di Spagna... which is apparently in some state of construction... it looks like its probably really beautiful when its not being worked on... on the way we stopped in Piazza Navona and at the Pantheon! The Pantheon was crazy... like i was not prepared for how huge it was... totally unreal... i have pictures but since im not on my computer i wont be able to post them... so hopefully i'll find somewhere i can hook up to wireless on my own computer
for now i need to go, its about 95+ degrees here, and well over 100 in the sun... so enjoy your air conditioning back in the states, apparently in Rome you keep cool using the water fountains on the street to splash water on your face... crazy i know
time to go, my internet card is running out!

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